Cell: Basic unit of life ( Quiz for NDA/CDS )

Biology Quiz - Cell Structure

Biology Quiz - Cell Structure

1. Which of the following organisms does not obey the 'cell theory'?

2. The nucleic acid in a cell was discovered by?

3. The 'cell theory' for organisms was proposed by?

4. The fact that new cells arise from pre-existing cells was proposed by?

5. The scientist who first recognised and named the nucleus was?

6. Which of the following is a physical basis of life?

7. The bacteria were discovered by which of the following person?

8. The term 'Meiosis' is coined by?

9. The physical basis of life protoplasm was named by?

10. Which of the following is not present in prokaryotes?

11. Which one among the following is known as 'animal starch'?

12. Which cell organelles are common in both plant and animal cells? 1. Mitochondria 2. Plastids 3. Ribosome

13. Rigidity of cell wall is due to?

14. The plasma membrane of animal cells is highly elastic. It is mainly due to the presence of?

15. The secretory product pectin of cell wall is chemically a?

16. Chromosomes are?

17. Which statement about Endoplasmic Reticulum is correct? 1. Called 'skeleton of cell' 2. Divided into three types 3. Smooth ER is rich in protein secreting cells

18. Match the cell organelles with their common names: Ribosome, Lysosome, Mitochondria, Nucleus

19. Which cell organelle functions as the powerhouse of a living cell?

20. Which is the smallest membrane bound organelle?

21. Degradation of dead or damaged organelles is mainly performed by?

22. Which statements about Cortical granules are correct? 1. Originate from Golgi bodies 2. Form fertilisation membrane 3. Found only in ovum

23. Which statements about Lysosomes are correct? 1. Have hydrolytic enzymes 2. Are autophagic 3. Can dissolve proteins, lipids, carbohydrates 4. All lysosomes are same

24. Which statements about Chloroplast are correct? 1. Called 'cell within a cell' 2. Largest organelle in plant cells 3. Have single-stranded DNA

25. Which pair of organelles is mainly concerned with fatty acid metabolism?

26. DNA is mainly found in which organelles? 1. Mitochondria 2. Chloroplasts 3. Peroxisomes 4. Nucleus

27. Which organelle is found in cells very active in protein synthesis?

28. Which organelles are concerned with photorespiration? 1. Chloroplast 2. Mitochondria 3. Peroxisome

29. Number of chromosomes in Drosophila is?

30. How many linkage groups are present in man?

31. Which phase is the longest in meiotic cell division?

32. What is the correct sequence of cell division phases?

33. Chromosomes are best seen in which phase?

34. Which type of division occurs in cleavage?

35. In which cell division does crossing over occur?

36. What is the correct order of phases in prophase-I?

37. Which stage is associated with chiasmata formation?

38. Which organisms have peptidoglycan in cell wall?

39. Which term describes failure of meiosis-II after meiosis-I?

40. Which organelle other than nucleus contains DNA?

41. Which parts are found in both plant and animal cells?

42. Which statement is correct?

43. Protoplasm is composed of?


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