NDA Faqs


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

* What happens after clearing the NDA written exam?

Candidates are called for the SSB Interview, which is a 5-day selection process.

* How long is the NDA training?

NDA training lasts 3 years, after which candidates are sent for further training:

  • Army: Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun (1 year)
  • Navy: Indian Naval Academy (INA), Ezhimala (1 year)
  • Air Force: Air Force Academy (AFA), Hyderabad (1.5 years for flying branch)

* How much time gap is there between the NDA exam, SSB, and final joining?

  • NDA 1 Exam: April – May

  • NDA 1 SSB: July – September

  • NDA 1 Medical & Merit List: October – December

  • NDA 1 Joining NDA: January (Next Year)

  • NDA 2 Exam: September – October

  • NDA 2 SSB: November – January

  • NDA 2 Medical & Merit List: February – April

  • NDA 2 Joining NDA: July (Next Year)

* Can a candidate with glasses apply for NDA?

Yes, but eyesight should be within prescribed limits: up to +2.5D correction for Army.

* Can I apply if I have undergone LASIK or eye surgery?


CONDITIONS: The disposal of candidates who have undergone Keratorefractive Surgeries (PRK, LASIK, Femto LASIK, SMILE or equivalent procedures) for commissioning in the ARMY, NAVY & Air Force in all branches is as follows :-
  • Fit
  1. Residual refraction after such procedure should not be more than +/- 1.0 D Sph or Cyl for branches where correctable refractive errors are permitted.
  2. Keratorefractive Surgery must not have been carried out before the age of 20 years.
  3. At least 12 months must have elapsed post uncomplicated stable Keratorefractive Surgery with no history or evidence of any complication.
  4. The axial length of the eye must not be more than 26 mm as measured by IOL master.
  5. The post Keratorefractive Surgery corneal thickness as measured by a corneal Pachymeter must not be less than 450 microns.
  • Unfit
  1. Radial Keratotomy (RK) surgery for correction of refractive errors
  2. Individuals with high refractive errors (> 6 D) prior to Keratorefractive Surgery.
  • * What if I am declared medically unfit?

You can apply for an Appeal Medical Board (AMB) within 42 days.

* Can I join NDA if I have a tattoo?

  • Permanent tattoos on the inner forearm or back side of the palm are allowed.
  • Tattoos on the face, neck, hands, or other visible areas are NOT allowed.

* Is there any relaxation in medical standards for different regions?

Yes, some relaxation is given to Gorkhas, North Eastern candidates, Ladakh region candidates, and certain Scheduled Tribes.

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